Wednesday, December 14, 2011

French fantasy

A very long time since my last post.


A young boy lives in the walls of a Paris railway station, his job is winding the clocks. This is a delightful movie, thought-provoking and very attractive. Despite being French, all the characters speak with totally English accents. Some big players in this one - Ben Kingsley, Frances de la Tour, Christopher Lee, Sacha Baron Cohen. Yes, Borat plays the policeman, closely modelled on the English policeman in 'Allo, 'Allo, the English television comedy series about the French resistance. Fine performances, a few odd silences, perhaps the result of choppy editing, or possibly for effect. Beautiful lighting, great richness. We saw it in 3D and it was well worth seeing it that way. A movie with depth in more ways than one.

Hugo has an automaton he wants to repair. He steals parts from the toyshop, run by Kingsley who plays George Melies, the early French film maker. This movie is about the history of movies, as well as a gentle adventure. Not really a movie for children but a visual feast for adults. One of the best movies I have seen.

The Help

A young journalist in the South interviews coloured maids to get their take on what it is like working for white people. Set in the early 1960's with the civil rights movement growing, this is an edgy subject, beautifully handled. I think white Americans might feel a little bit ashamed and embarrassed watching this. Some brilliant performances. Emma Stone plays the journalist and she is good. I think she has quite a future as an actor. The maids are wonderful. Some oscar nominations there I expect, for Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer. Great clothes and makeup, some nice scenery. Bryce Dallas Howard is wonderful in her role as Two Slice Hilly.

You have to see this movie. It sticks very closely to the book, so read that too.

Sooo... I now have six cats, 3 sets of twins, aged 18 months (Tui and Lotto), 8 months (Harley and Belle) and 3 months (Moxie and Blot). I finally caught the mother (Angie) and got her fixed, she is a little friendlier now, actually jumped in the window today. The babies will probably get fixed this weekend, then we have to find homes. That will be difficult because we love all these cats. Did I tell you that Lotto had the rest of his tail removed and instantly grew bigger, fatter, and generally got healthier and happier.

Compliments of the season to you all.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Left speechless

Why did I never watch this movie before?

The Shawshank Redemption

A masterpiece. I was left speechless and breathless. Tim Robbins is the actor's actor, so understated, so believable. Morgan Freeman is just real. I sound like a Shawshank groupie.

This is a prison story, with all the horrible prison stuff that happens, but it has an ending that is so satisfying. It is a must-see.

Five Children and It

An adaptation of an E. Nesbit children's story. I was a big E. Nesbit fan and I had read this book, many years ago. It has been made into quite a good movie. That nice lad from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (no, not Johnny Depp) stars, along with several well-known English actors, including some Harry Potter teachers. Eddie Izzard plays It and does it very well, with humour, as you would expect. A nice movie.

Cougar Town

My daughter made me watch the first two seasons and it is not bad. Ellie, the neighbour, is played by Jordan from Scrubs, so of course it is good. Funny, alcoholic, stupid at times, but entertaining.


Based on the true story of MIT students using their intellect to beat the casinos. Jim Sturgess (from "Across the Universe") stars and does a passable American accent. Enjoyable.

Pirate Radio

Now in other countries this movie is titled "The Boat That Rocked". Now why would they change it for the American market? Was it too subtle? They changed the title of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to something about a sorceror's stone. Dumbing down or what?

Anyways, this is an English movie (which almost automatically makes it good in my book) with some wonderful actors, including Kiwi comedian Rhys Darby, the manager from Flight of the Conchords. This movie is also based on a true story, about Radio Caroline I believe, in the early days of rock and roll, when the BBC would not broadcast such stuff. Some great characters, fashions, and situations. The dvd cover says: 1 boat, 8 DJs, no morals. Then there is the nail-biting drama, faced with remarkable sangfroid (as always) by the English.

I will be watching this one more than once. It's fun and it has it's own Dunkirk moment.

Angie had her kittens, we haven't seen them yet, but now the previous two, Harley and Belle, are part of the household. We really need to find good homes for them but we are very attached to them now. Won't make that mistake with the next lot. And yes, I have tried very hard to catch Angie to get her fixed, but she is super-smart and avoids springing the trap. I'll try again when these kittens are old enough to do without her for a day or so.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Goodbye Harry

Lots of movies, not a lot of motivation to review.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Two

The last of the Harry Potter story. How very sad. Anyway - an excellent movie. As good as the first one, and I liked it better than the ones in between, although they were excellent too. All those children have grown up but they retain the magic. Neville in particular has grown up to be quite spectacular. Didn't see that coming.


I was a fan of the television show back in the 80's, but not this movie. I watched probably a third of the movie and had not developed any interest in any of the characters or the non-existent plot, so sorry, can't even review it with any interest.


A vehicle for Cher and Christina Aguillera to be seen and heard. Good dancing, costumes and makeup, weak, unoriginal plot, but it's a feelgood film that had me singing in the shower afterwards.

The Big Bang Theory

Continuing with this television series and loving it. So clever, so real and such adorable characters. I think Sheldon is my favourite, for his single-mindedness. So funny.

Jeff Dunham

An American comedian who is also a ventriloquist using various stereotype puppets. What can I say? English and American humour just don't translate. I found the humour in this to be at a level that might amuse a 5 year old and I found some of it offensive. The dead terrorist puppet character was truly offensive on many levels, including politically. I wonder if Jeff Dunham is on any terrorist hit lists. I wouldn't be surprised.

Why do Americans find death and decay so amusing? The Halloween merchandise in Walmart is horrible. I don't think it is right that dead bodies and severed body parts should be presented as fun and acceptable party props for children. As a medical professional and a human being I believe in the sanctity of the human body both before and after death, and I find the mocking of the dead to be offensive. Speaking of Halloween, why would you want to encourage children to knock on stranger's doors and demand unhealthy food or perform acts of vandalism if it is not forthcoming? And then tell children not to accept candy from strangers. They can have pumpkin baskets to collect their loot. Sounds like a protection racket to me, pay up or else. It also encourages greed and gluttony and quite possibly, tooth decay. I don't think Christianity is into witches and dead bodies and the general glorification of evil that Halloween celebrates. I don't think children should be exposed to thoughts of death and decay before they are old enough to put it in perspective. Wow, a whole nation of bad parents and creepy retailers.

Expecting more kittens any day. Possibly today even as Angie is not around for breakfast. Her last two are inside getting tamed and will be getting "fixed" asap. Maybe after this litter I can catch Angie and put an end to her over-enthusiastic breeding.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Appreciating diversity

Two months since my last post. I've been busy. I have my daughter staying with me. I get to do girly things, I have a familiar accent around and she gets my jokes. She is being extremely successful as a kitten wrangler.

Harry Potter

I've re-watched the first six, preparatory to seeing the final episode. Loved the first one, not so keen on the second, but enjoyed seeing my old friends again. These movies are so well-made and well written, great believable effects (have to say this - watch, listen, and take notes Mr Cameron - both the effects and the writing). Scary movies, not for children.

Crazy stupid love

A time filler while my daughter attended a Warped tour gig. It was the best of a bad bunch and turned out pretty good. Some interesting messages and some funny bits. Yes - enjoyed it. Best bit, heralded by gasps from the female members of the audience, including myself, was when Ryan Gosling took off his shirt.

Glee 3D concert movie

I quite like the Glee television show, some good characters, great singers and dancers and some wholesome messages about diversity, tolerance, acceptance etc. This movie is basically a concert with a few other bits thrown in. One reviewer referred to it as evangelical and he has a point. I enjoyed it, energy, likeable people and good singing. My faves - Rachel (for the voice) and Kurt.

When Harry met Sally

At last I have seen this movie. Billy Crystal (remember Soap?) and Meg Ryan. Nice. She is sweet and goes through a series of hairstyles which illustrate the passage of time. Another Ephron story like Sleepless and Mail, with the same sort of music. If you like that music you will love Rod Stewart's American Songbook albums. Yep, nice, funny, with a happy ending. Check out the hair and fashion of the era. And of course you can't miss the iconic coffee shop scene with the "I'll have what she's having" line.

New kitten, Harley, black and white, cute as a bug, no he's way cuter. Was going to give him away but that may not be possible now he has bonded with the daughter. Have another kitten to catch, not being at all successful with that despite complicated rope and pulley arrangements. The mother is pregnant AGAIN. I'm over this, kittens are hard to house due to the over-supply

Monday, June 20, 2011

Good news

Some good news and a good movie.

Midnight in Paris

I went to this movie alone, actually I had a whole day in town alone to give BH some home alone time and for me to do girly stuff (chick flick, picnic, dead Egyptians, shopping). Midnight in Paris is a new movie starring Owen Wilson. When I read the blurb I thought Owen Wilson was all wrong, but he surprised me and was quite suitable for the part.

Some Americans go to Paris - delightful depictions of the "ugly American abroad", a cheap shot but relevant to the story. Gil (Wilson) is a writer, Rachel McAdams, his fiancee, is just horrible and wears a selection of really unflattering clothes. Odd. Rachel's mother is Dharma's mother from Dharma and Greg, but in this she is so much more like Greg's mother in Dharma and Greg. They meet up with a couple from home, he is a pedantic know-it-all (I'm sure I know him) and she provides some tiny but excellent background comic moments as she second-guesses her own French pronunciation. I really like that detail.

Gil gets a bit tired of the lack of appreciation for Paris and goes out walking at night, gets lost, gets in a car with strangers (NEVER do that) and ends up in the 1920s with the Fitzgeralds and the magnificent Hemingway. The retro celebs that he meets are wonderful. Kathy Bates is a great Gertrude Stein, and Salvador Dali provides light relief with his talk of rhinoceros - not sure what the plural of that animal is. The First Lady of France, Carla Bruni has a cameo role and she is very good. An inter-era love story that all ends fairly happily.

Paris is, of course, beautiful. The lighting is superb and atmospheric, the music delightful, the makeup and costumes gorgeous. Woody Allen directs and does a good job, as far as it goes. There is the potential for a much deeper, more complex story, but I suppose it would have been a different story then. I refer you to my most favourite tv series, Goodnight Sweetheart, for more of the time travel love story genre. I liked Midnight and I am still thinking about it, mostly as escapism. It may be time to go back to Paris with BH and hope he finds it as romantic as I do.

When I left the movie theatre, I found myself at the riverside (it was the Riverside Theatre) with the Truckee in flood, dozens of beautiful pink and mauve hanging baskets of flowers and a young man playing the flute. It could have been Paris. It was a beautiful day. I'll be buying the DVD.

Now the good news: Lotto came back! He was away 10 days and returned this morning looking well and not starved. He does have a big chunk out of his nose so I guess a fight scared him away. I am so happy to have him back and so is his brother. This morning Lotto was asleep in Tui's arms. I had given poor Lotto up but he proved me wrong. I am so glad he came back.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lotto lost

A movie and some sad news.

That's what I am

A rather nice high school movie, a bit Napoleon Dynamite but not such a comedy. The geeks, the bullies, the popular girl. Based on true events. I enjoyed it, but not in the mood for an in-depth review because of the sad news.

I haven't seen Lotto for 3 days. That is completely out of character and I am thinking the worst - car or coyote. I'm really sad about it. He was a valiant little cat, surviving a nasty injury and his tail dropping off. He was a very smart and agile boy, very affectionate and much loved. His brother is a bit lost without him. But I have seen the new kittens. I think there are two, black and white like their mother.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Mind expanding

Rehoused the dvds and found a few I hadn't seen.

High School High

Mostly stupid but funny and even clever in parts. That's all.

Leo Villareal

An exhibition I saw at a certain Museum of Art a few weeks ago. Villareal is an artist with light. Actual lights, fluorescent, LED, cool stuff. So I'm walking around, looking at the pretty lights, then one installation catches my eye. A sort of kaleidoscope of brightly coloured swirling ever-changing patterns. I was transfixed. I sat and watched it for half an hour. I had a kaleidoscope as a child and this artwork brought back memories of the beautiful iridescent irretrievable patterns and a flood of other previously forgotten childhood memories. It was a blast, an overwhelming trip down memory lane, a reliving of childhood moments - not just the moments but the feelings that went with them. It was an amazing trip and I am grateful to Mr Villareal for unlocking those parts of my brain. A magic experience.

Meanwhile, BH wandered off to look at the also excellent Ansel Adams exhibition. He got some colour and light from Villareal's artworks, I got my childhood back.

Hot now, after snow last weekend. Somebody told me I was pretty the other day. A nice if unexpected compliment. I'm not accustomed to that sort of thing. Thank you. The Post Office in our tiny and somewhat isolated community may be closing. Disaster!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Courtroom drama

Books to movies doesn't always work, but this one seems to.

The Rainmaker

This is based on a John Grisham novel. Now I had never read any of Grisham's books, actually still haven't, but BH introduced me to them via audio books. I listened to The Testament in the car, and I credit Nate with keeping me from blind panic whilst driving through a blizzard. That was a good story. Anyway, the Rainmaker. Matt Damon, Jon Voight (Angelina's daddy), Danny de Vito, Claire Danes and Mickey Rourke, among others. Another good story. Young lawyer sticks it to the insurance company. Particularly good if you have recently watched Sicko and Erin Brockavich. Nicely done, worth watching.

Galaxy Quest

I usually avoid stupid looking movies, but this one has Alan Rickman in it, he's always worth watching. At a Questie convention (yep, loosely based on another space series that boldly went) some aliens think that the television series is real life and base their lives and technology on it. The actors find themselves in space for real and have to fight the baddies etc. It's fun, fairly clever and the good guys win. I love the aliens. I think I went to school with some of them - you know who you are.

Still haven't seen the kittens!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Brief encounter

So many movies, so little time.


Matt Damon as a psychic. Interlocking stories which don't interlock until almost the end of the movie. Odd but satisfying. Directed by Clint Eastwood. Matt Damon is a good actor and Clint Eastwood is a good director. Not a must-see, but intriguing.

Brief and to the point.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hot guy

Movie number 6. This is good but wasting heaps of time when I could be learning about IRAs (nothing to do with Northern Ireland).

Transporter 2

I saw Transporter 3, so tried T2 and will definitely get the original. Once again an odd looking female lead, not Amber Valetta, the mother, but the bad girl. I thought it was that sharp tongued hairdresser Tabatha Coffey, but just a lookalike named Kate Nauta. So the gorgeous Jason Statham is driving a little kid around and gets mixed up with a deadly virus and the antidote and all that stuff. Great action, car chases etc, etc. A good distraction. Jason Statham unfortunately does not take his shirt off so much in this one.

I cheated a bit, or the video store did. Looks like what I actually got was Transporter 2 in the original Transporter box. So there you go, I am working my way backwards through the series.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Fear factor

Another trip to the dvd store - 10 movies in a week!

Harry Brown

Oh horrible, nasty, violent. Very modern Britain. Not Dementors in the pedestrian underpass, but thugs. A few Harry Potter references in this movie. So Harry Brown's old friend Len (the janitor from Hogwarts) is killed by said thugs. Perhaps he should not have threatened them with a bayonet. They are the same thugs who killed Harry's daughter. So Harry (Michael Caine) takes the law into his own hands. He is an elderly emphysemic ex-Marine, and it shows. He evens the score a little, but the lady detective is on to him. Definitely NOT a happy ending but a satisfying one.

I quite like that vigilante, good guys turning the tables genre. Mr Caine is, as always, masterful in an understated English way. There is not a lot of dialogue, there really doesn't need to be. Lots of horrible scenes, but a good movie nevertheless.

Bowling for Columbine

I adore Michael Moore. I think of him as the child at the parade who tells the truth about the Emperor's new clothes. This movie is about America's love affair with guns, but really it is about the fear that has been instilled into the American people. Irrational fear, it seems to an outsider. I want to say to all those people who carry guns: a) are you part of an organised militia (see second amendment), oh yes, Timothy McVeigh was indeed a member of an organised militia. And b) what are you so frightened of?

The USA has more gun related murders than other countries. Why? It is not even because they have more guns, which was the reason I would have given. Some of the non-US interviewees appeared to suggest belligerence, in the sense of warmongering, may be a national characteristic. Lots of eye-opening statistics in this movie. I learned a lot. My respect for Charlton Heston has plummeted - pretty face, but somewhat militant leader of the NRA.

Do you need to use assault rifles, semi automatics or pearl handled revolvers to shoot things that you might eat? I don't think so.

So thank you Michael Moore for a bit of sense. It was very relevant to watch this immediately after watching Harry Brown. A fear double bill.

The Other Guys

Funny cop buddy movie. Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg. Wahlberg is a hot guy, reminds me very much of Guy Pearce (Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, The King's Speech, and of course Mrs Mangel's nephew in Neighbours way back). So yes, funny, some of it very funny, sort of stupid but Ferrell's commitment to the role means the stupidity is actually funny rather than Apatow stupid. I think he could be a good straight ie not comic actor, given the chance.

BH suggested I tone some of this down a bit, so you have the edited version.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Long weekend

A visit to the dvd rental store.

Get him to the Greek

A completely stupid movie, don't waste your time. If I say Apatow you will know what I mean.

Having said that ... Russell Brand IS a rock star. He is Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, he's the real deal. Very thin and with that little boy London accent. When not being stupid he is extremely good looking, and he can act. He can also sing and he belts out the silly songs with conviction. There is some good music in the background eg Come on Eileen, and some clever jokes. Also, in the Apatow style, a lot of sex and drugs and language. Some of the songs have very dirty lyrics. A few familiar faces, among then Sarah Marshall, the movie in which we met Aldous Snow/Russell Brand. Also Malfoy, who will never live down being Malfoy.

Some good points, but mainly a waste of time.

District 9

Obviously NOT my choice, but I saw quite a bit of it whilst doing the housework. It's a documentary style presentation. Aliens live in a slum area outside Johannesburg. Yes, lots of that grating Seth Efrecan accent. I'm not sure this movie was about your actual aliens ... It did a good job of portraying white South African arrogance and racist attitudes. Good aliens (known as prawns), seamless effects, this movie was not a plotless fairyland, no smurfs, but of course it was directed by a REAL director who knows how to make movies - Peter Jackson.

Quite a good story and some humour, but that could have been my reaction to the accents. There is a spaceship in the style of Independence Day and the fimbriated (think Futurama) aliens look a bit generic. Otherwise okay. The sequel is set up. Maybe it will be called District 10.

No sign of the kittens yet. They are just about a month old. Latest name suggestions are Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Vivienne and Knox. Their mother's name is Angie so it would be fitting. I am hoping to import a kitten wrangler quite soon.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bated breath

Finally the moment arrived. I have been waiting for this.

Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides

Yes, I was counting the days, and not just because of the delightfully camp Captain Jack Sparrow. Johnny Depp is always a drawcard, his characters are quirky and committed. So did Tides satisfy? Yes and no. I saw it in 3D and found that a little disconcerting, way too many swordfights.

Some of the old guard have gone - Keira, Orlando, they guy from The Office and those two dopey soldiers. The Old Rocker was in it briefly but memorably ("does this face look like I found the Fountain of Youth?" ... "depends on the light"). The new main character Blackbeard was played very well by the rather nice Ian McShane, whom we all remember as Jonathan Gash's divvy Lovejoy. Mystery fans, try the Lovejoy books - Firefly Gadroon, Gold from Gemini, the Judas Pair, there is a whole series. Slightly metaphysical, and lots of antiques.

But I digress. Tides is about the search for the Fountain of Youth and the quest to recover the Black Pearl - that issue was a setup for the next movie. Penelope Cruz is a nice pirate, subscribing to the heavy black eyeliner almost as much as Sparrow and Blackbeard. Some great locations, nice scenery, vampire mermaids, Gemma Ward (vacant looking model) among them. A somewhat gratuitous missionary - his position was ambiguous (sorry, couldn't resist that). Ghastly effect after drinking the waters of the Fountain - just say no.

Not a bad story, a nice looking movie, good characters, I didn't miss the lightweight Orlando at all. 3D was neither here nor there, it probably didn't enhance the experience, except for a moment at the end, when the two characters appear to step into the screen and walk along a beach. That moment could have been a live show with Depp actually on a stage in front of me. Be sure to stay until after the credits. Be warned, it is quite a long movie.

Pirates 3 is still my favourite.

Have not seen the new batch of kittens yet. And by the way, looks like Avatar is back. No, sorry, I mean The Smurfs movie, I get those two mixed up. Blue you know.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Didn't quite work

Bought some movies this time.

For your consideration

A rather odd movie, bought solely because of the pic of Ricky Gervais on the front of the box. I can only describe it as one of those charming, quirky English movies but made by Americans, with mostly American actors. It didn't quite work.

A simple idea, based on Oscar speculation in Hollywood. Quite amusing, and some odd characters who could have been funny if maybe they were developed more, or less. I don't know, it just didn't get off the ground.

Lots of famous faces - the mother from Home Alone (love her transformation), the sleazy little guy who is NOT a PhD in Big Bang, a face from The Office, Jane Lynch looking very glam, the dad from American Pie, Stiffler's Mom! and an apparently dazed and bewildered Parker Posey. Ricky Gervais of course and best of all - the weather girl with the monkey. Who says ventriloquism is dead (without moving their lips).

Watchable, sort of funny, sort of pathetic. At the end we actually said that it was an odd movie. It was very inexpensive so that's okay.

The Tourist

Yes, again. I think I liked it better this time. Funny, light, pretty, a kind of blonde bimbo of a movie. Still no chemistry and Johnny Depp is still plain, but funny. I feel there was a marked lack of depth in this movie, it skimmed the surface of what could have been a more involving story. Not brain surgery, but entertaining.

The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency

I really want to see this movie but my local doesn't have it. Hmm, written by a Scot, set in Botswana, I wonder why. I have enjoyed this series by Alexander McCall Smith, I found the characters engaging and I want to see how they are portrayed in the movie.

Precious Ramotswe sets up a detective agency, takes on an assistant, they solve mysteries and problems in a very gentle, human way. Warmth, patience and a down to earth wisdom pervade these stories. A slower pace of life and a pleasantly old-fashioned attitude provide a calm oasis for the reader. I have read the whole series and will continue with each new one. Keep writing sir.

Snow and hail a couple of days ago, hot and sunny now.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Jury room

A mixed bag this week, yep, we went to the video store.

12 Angry Men

Sidney Lumet died recently and NPR played an old interview with him, which sparked my interest in this movie. Did you know that the Republicans want to stop funding National Public Radio? Is that the worst kind of censorship or what? I suppose they want us all to watch Fox news, or as I prefer to call it, Faux news, carefully tailored to the Republican cause, not unlike that scary propagandist, Tokyo Rose, I mean Rush Limbaugh. At least nobody would believe his rants. Would they?

Back to Lumet's movie. 12 Angry Men (look for it under 12, not twelve) was made in 1957, a particularly good year, the year BH and I were born. It's about a jury of white men who have to decide the guilt, and therefore the fate, of a Hispanic boy. Apart from brief opening and closing scenes, it is completely set in the jury room. It shows the process by which the jury is swayed from 11 - 1 one way, until it is 11 - 1 the other way. Henry Fonda is the main character, but they are all convincing. For example Jack Klugman (remember Quincy?) plays a mild man who becomes stronger through his convictions as the story develops. The entire jury is white, and there is open demonstration of racist views and language. Fonda appears to be not acting at all, his character is so low key and realistic. His arguments gradually sway the others, as he allows them to discover their own reasons to change their minds.

The movie is shot in black and white, but I can't say I noticed that, it certainly didn't detract. The lighting and camera angles were magnificent and added greatly to the atmosphere and dramatic development. The music, not so much. It was heavy and overly portentous, but not totally inappropriate. I think it was standard for the era. This movie did not have the dramatic build-up of a Tennessee Williams play but the one room setting and hot humid atmosphere (yes I know it was a film, but the weather was a part of it) did remind me of William's claustrophobic southern moments.

You should watch this movie for, if nothing else, an understanding of the phrase "beyond reasonable doubt". I recommend this movie. It's a classic.

Kate and Leopold

A lighthearted, time travelling, humorous romp starring Meg Ryan and Wolverine, I mean Hugh Jackman. It's all good.

Transporter 3

Starring the lovely Jason Statham in another tough guy role. He drives a nice car across Europe, has some adventures, takes off his shirt several times (that man works out), has a McGuyver moment in the lake and that's about it. Some unusual and unnecessary camera trickery. Best bit (apart from the shirt removal) is the chase through the market and the eventual ejection of the baddie from the car. The heroine/love interest/gratuitous tottie is played by not only a redhead, but a redhead with a very generous crop of freckles. How unusual. She acts as if she is on some kind of semi-prescription medication, and has a lovely fake-Russian, sorry, fake-Ukrainian accent. An entertaining action movie for when there is nothing else to watch.

The Big Bang Theory

A television series featuring a reunion of the "Roseanne" cast apparently. It's about four extremely intelligent young men who are social misfits. It is very funny and I got a lot of pleasure out of watching it. I love Sheldon.

Ricky Gervais - Out of England

The master in New York. This was tailored for an American audience but was still good. I wonder if that self-deprecating humour translates? BH likes Gervais so maybe it does. A devastating split-second Hitler impersonation. BH asked if Gervais writes for "The Office". I told him Gervais CREATED "The Office". The real one that is, the one set in Slough. "Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough"

I had to put the big cat out so I could write this. He wanted some attention and was using his claws to get it.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Gratuitous photo

Just a gratuitous photo of an attractive young lady. Completely unrelated to movie reviewing.

Local hero

A classic this week. Always good when right prevails, and I don't mean that in a political sense.

Erin Brockovich

As you know, I don't think people's names make good titles for movies, but in this case I will make an exception. Hinkley, California - residents are getting sick even though officials from the nearby PG & E plant have explained that alleged contamination of ground water by chromium-3 is a good thing with lots of health benefits. Shame it is chromium-6 then. Solo mum Erin hires a lawyer on an unrelated matter, they lose the case, she demands a job at his law firm and stumbles across the chromium contamination thing. Thanks to her tireless efforts, justice is served. That's the story in a nutshell.

Julia Roberts plays Erin Brockovich, and this movie is an excellent vehicle for showing off her great legs and, well, she has a nice figure. That's a bit of a theme through the movie. Another thing about Julia Roberts - does she have a portrait in the attic because she is just not looking any older. Remember I sort of watched "Eat, Pray, Love". The real Erin Brockovich (did I mention this is a true story?) has a brief cameo as a waitress and she is a good looking woman too. Lots of down-home commonsense feistiness in this movie, not compromised too much by the ... trashy but enhancing outfits. There is a man, and some children, the baby is adorable, the lawyer has a heart of gold, and there are some other familiar faces. The housekeeper from "Two and a half men" (speaking of trashy - Charlie Sheen in that show, and maybe in real life too) is the secretary, and I have an idea that the first emissary from PG & E, the meek one, may be in "Bones" now.

This is a good story, moves along at a smart pace and Roberts is believable. Money talks, but not loud enough, and justice prevails. I'm sure this sort of thing goes on all over the place, with big business literally getting away with murder (or at least stupidity, incompetence and an inflated sense of their own importance and invulnerability if we are talking about GM, the big banks, Lehman brothers, Freddie Mac etc - which the public paid for). Anyways ... in the last few weeks I have seen in the news that the hexavalent chromium plume is spreading again, Hinkley is back in the spotlight and Erin Brockovich is on the case again. Thank goodness for concerned citizens and real people. Keep up the fantastic work Erin.

One thing people remember about this movie - Julia Roberts won an Oscar for her performance and famously omitted to mention the real Erin Brockovich in her acceptance speech.

One week ago we had snow and storms and roads were closed. This week it is t-shirt and shorts weather. Bizarre.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

English actors

A good movie for a change. Actors who can act, and not many men. Hmmm ...


A great chick flick. Also a great cheapie from the thrift store where I purchased (drum roll please) a KATE SPADE bag for next to nothing. How cool is that! Shame I have no friends to share that info with. Anyway, back to the movie. Not just your standard silly chick flick, this one has some class actors. Imelda Staunton - anything she is in is going to be good. She is one of the wonderful pack of English actors who make English movies so good. Anna Chancellor - Duckface in Four Weddings and a Funeral, also that girl from the Boddington's ad, if you are old enough and English enough to remember that. She teams up again with Andie Macdowell for this movie.

Macdowell is Kate, a prim headmistress, Staunton a copper, actually I think she is the Chief Inspector, and Chancellor is a doctor. They get together and see who has the most disastrous man story. Macdowell meets up with an ex-pupil (read: toyboy) and they hit it off. Oh yes, warning for the easily shocked - there is a fair bit of sex in this movie, but nothing graphic. Macdowell has great legs. Chancellor and Staunton try to break up the romance to prevent Macdowell's character from heartbreak and it all goes horribly wrong, but there is kind of a happy ending.

A good movie, well constructed. Great lighting as usual, and wonderful music. The clothes are interesting ... There is a lot of humour, a lot of which went straight over BH's head, as it is very English. For example, Staunton (the policewoman) says she has met a man, his name is Bill, and Chancellor immediately says"Old Bill?" For the uninitiated let me explain that in England, the police are often referred to as the Old Bill. I don't know why. Google it. A cheap laugh but realistic.

This is a female dominated movie, and all the better for that. I like a movie with real people (I know, contradiction in terms) with real situations in real places. James Cameron tried that once, with "Titanic" but things have gone downhill for him since than. Maybe if he hired a real writer ...

Lots of snow forecast, but very little arrived here. That's probably a good thing, although snow does make everything look pretty (and let's face it, "here" could do with the help).

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Jaded viewer

I chose most of these movies. I have only myself to blame.

Eat, Pray, Love

Too much of a chick flick even for me. I watched the Italy bit then fast-forwarded to the end. I did not enjoy seeing Julia Roberts slurping spaghetti, but she did make a nice antipasto plate. Please note - American antipasto is NOT the same as Italian antipasto. I'm not a big Julia Roberts fan. This movie didn't do it for me. although I may have missed the point by not actually watching it at normal speed. I could make some comment about self indulgence, but who cares. Dolce far niente.

Snow is forecast for the next ten days.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bitter end

You can't call me a quitter. Masochist maybe.

The American

Watching the rest of The American. It's not getting any better. It amazes me that not one character in this movie is developed to the point of being even vaguely interesting. George Clooney has a face made of cement and his acting is so subtle as to be not there. This movie is a non-event like "Up in the Air". That was a waste of time. So what's the story George? Does someone else read the scripts and commit you to these dogs? You realise it is only a matter of time before you find yourself doing a James Cameron movie. Why not just do that now and skip the other disasters on this downward spiral in your career and your taste. I won't be bothering with movies just because they star George Clooney. Seems like he specialises in the dull and inexplicable. Time to retire?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Action men

Five movies for five days, expect some blog action.

The Expendables

This one purely because of the adorable Jason Statham, East End gangster. This is an all-action movie that appears to be written and directed by Sylvester Stallone, starring Sylvester Stallone. The dialogue is, of course, better than if it was written by James Cameron. It even has humour. Lots of blood, more than usual I would say, each shooting or slashing was punctuated by visible sprays of blood. You don't often get that. Lots of death and dismemberment, with the emphasis on dismemberment. Heads, hands, whatever, slice it off. So it's a fairly silly story of mercenaries, coups, coca and not much else. Star of the show is the seaplane. Not a must-see.

The American

George Clooney being taciturn. Very little dialogue, which in a James Cameron movie would be a plus, but here it just makes the plot even more obscure. Clooney kills people, I think it his job. Could be a hobby. It starts in Dalarna Sweden where those red wooden horses are made. That is the most interesting thing about this movie. It's slow, boring, the lighting is horrible, there may or may not be music, I don't recall. There is no character development, but there is a gratuitous and totally un-sexy sex scene. Leaving that out would have mercifully shortened the movie. At the end of the sex scene, Clooney is lying in the bed looking like a dead monkey. Maybe it was the scarlet lighting in the prostitute's room. Not flattering. George Clooney visiting a prostitute? Hardly likely.

Actually, I only watched up to minute 56, then went off to do something exciting. I washed the dishes. I probably won't watch the rest of it. Possibly I am missing the best bit, or the part that makes it all make sense. At one stage I wondered if it was a training film for the gun-smithing school at Lassen College. Seriously, give this one a miss, even if you are a Clooney fan.

I may re-review this if I watch the rest of it, but don't hold your breath for that.

Cats are fine. Life goes on.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Girl power

It's almost a month since my last post. Sorry about that. I've been a bit busy learning things.

The Blue Collar Comedy Tour

I think that was the title, I watched it at the gym with BH, who was able to translate some of the more incomprehensible parts for me. Four comedians with a bit of a redneck theme. Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy and a couple of others. What can I say? Two countries divided not only by a common language but by humour that just does NOT translate across the Atlantic. According to these guys, the definition of a redneck is somebody with no sophistication at all. Apparently that is something to be proud of. Give me Ricky Gervais any day.

The joke about shooting the horse was funny, kept me chuckling for days. I am not a horse hater, it was just so unexpected.

Thelma and Louise

Yay, girl power! I think BH was a little perturbed at my approving reaction to the murder and mayhem that Thelma and Louise dish out in this classic cult movie. Not sure if it is a widespread cult fave, but for me and my BFF (33 years, that's getting close to forever) who shall remain nameless, it's our ongoing fantasy. I have to admit, this is the first time I have actually seen the movie and I think we may have to tone our planned road trip down a little. Yes to the convertible, the scarves, Brad Pitt and lots of laughter. Yes to a scenic trip to the Grand Canyon. No to carrying guns, killing people or rapists however much they deserve it, holding up convenience stores and blowing up semis. We probably wouldn't do the cop in the trunk thing either. Definitely no to not stopping at the edge of the Grand Canyon.

I really liked this movie. There are some great recognisable and memorable moments, characters, actions and reactions going on. Thelma's husband, the look on Harlan's face, Thelma's grin whenever she thinks of JD, Thelma's husband's reaction to JD's taunts, the final encounter with the truck driver, Harvey Keitel's character's reasonableness. Perfect music, great scenery and a nice little car. Yep, a teal T-bird convertible - my kind of car. Brad Pitt is very young and has a very low body fat percentage. Worth a look.

So, nameless BFF, I am looking for a convertible, you bring the scarves, and let's do it!

Still winter. Had some snow. Drove through a lot of snow. When driving, I prefer the snow to be on the ground and not still falling. Kitties are doing well.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Staying warm

I woke up with a stiff neck so drove to the pleasantly warm gym, with difficulty, to stay warm and watch a movie. Otherwise it was stay in bed with the electric blanket on.

Couples Retreat

What a silly movie. When I tell you it stars Vince Vaughan you will know what I mean. Four couples go to a retreat where they are supposed to strengthen or save their marriages. It's pretty stupid, and not in a good way. I think it is safest to avoid Vince Vaughan movies. However ... there are some good people and one funny scene that my children would enjoy. I watched this on a big screen in Blu-ray and the visuals were pretty darn good. As one of the characters says "it's like a screensaver". I spent a while trying to work out if it was real or CGI. I think it was real. Impossibly blue sea. Blu-ray does make even the real look a bit unreal, a bit "better than life".

The good people? Jason Bateman from Arrested Development, as a similar character, and Chang from Community - as a therapist. And who was that other therapist, the guy with the glasses, I've seen him somewhere before, maybe Community? Just IMDb'd it and he is Professor Whitman from Community. Vernon Vaughan plays the grandad, and yes he is the father of Vince, Victoria and Valeri ??? Just the one set of nametags then, V Vaughan for the whole family. The wonderful French actor Jean Reno plays, surprise, a Frenchman, ably assisted by Dr Ropata, who is most definitely not in Guatemala but appears to be auditioning for Rank movies. Okay, it's Temuera Morrison who once was a warrior. I know what I'm talking about, even if nobody else does.

The funny scene - a kind of Duelling Banjos piece. Please pay attention to the dialogue after the duel. So funny, and all done with a straight face. Best bit of the whole movie, Sctanley's speech. That's not a typo.

If you watch this movie, skip the first bit before they get to the island, total waste of time.

No snow, blue skies, sunshine, shame I live in the back of beyond and so far from the beach, although there is plenty of sand.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Great performances

I watched a movie at the gym today. This was the first title I could identify without my glasses.


A startlingly good movie with a harrowing story. Disadvantaged (in many ways) teenager Precious gets sent to an alternative school and her life changes. Precious is overweight, almost illiterate, pregnant, it gets way worse than that. Amazing performances. So amazing I did not recognise the actors. Mo'Nique is positively evil as the mother, but with a weird, off-base vulnerability, totally appropriate to the story. Mariah Carey plays Mrs Weiss, and does it well, almost without make-up. Lenny Kravitz is a male nurse. I didn't recognise them,
as I was so convinced and captivated by their characters. Gabourey Sidibe is a complete novice. She plays Precious so well. I imagine she has a solid future as an actor.

This is a very good movie full of excellent performances. Worth watching and somehow uplifting despite the subject matter.

Winter continues, but not particularly cold at present. Little cat has improved.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Location, location

Some movies are a visual feast with no need for high tech tricks.

The Tourist

This movie is worth seeing just for the backgrounds. Actually, I forgot to review this because I forgot I saw it. Sorry Johnny. Big stars in this movie - Paris, Venice and a couple of actors. It's a ripping yarn of mayhem, murder and mistaken identity. Sort of. There is a twist in the tale.

An action movie set mostly in beautiful Venice, starring arguably the most beautiful woman on the planet. Angelina Jolie is particularly beautiful in this role. She wears wonderful costumes, especially the black off-the-shoulder ballgown. On that occasion she has her hair up in a style with some width to it and at first glimpse she strongly reminded me of Sophia Loren. She also sports an impeccable Home Counties English accent. If I hadn't known she was American, I would have totally accepted her as an English actress. She is a secret agent, with a secret.

Johnny Depp plays the tourist, a stranger Jolie picks up on a train in order to confuse the baddies regarding the identity of the elusive A, her close friend who sends messages that she dramatically burns on sidewalk tables at Parisian cafes. Phew! Depp gives this movie it's humour despite his role as somewhat plodding American teacher and tourist. His acting can be so understated. On one occasion he is in police custody and the Inspector lights a cigarette. Depp's character is trying to stop smoking and you can see the longing in his eyes, an expression so subtle as to be almost unnoticeable, but powerfully present. Other scenes are rather more slapstick, involving rooftops of Venice and Depp in pyjamas.

The police are a little "Keystone Cop-ish", led by the over-religious albino from one of Dan Brown's anti-Catholic blockbusters. No self flagellation, just a lot of frustration as he is constantly outwitted by goodies and baddies. Jolie drives a mean speedboat, rescuing Depp from the scrapes in which he finds himself. Yes it's a good story, pretty and undemanding, but entertaining. I would watch it again at home on dvd.

Jolie is stunning, Venice is magnificent, Depp is just plain. Maybe he is acting plain because normally he is rather handsome. There is absolutely NO chemistry between Jolie and Depp. I read in the gossip mags that Depp deliberately kept away from Jolie off the set, at the request of his partner, Vanessa Paradis. Probably a smart move, Vanessa.

Two black cats are charging their solar cells outside on a 1 degree C day. Later they will curl up together on the sofa for a long afternoon nap.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Foreign movies

Not so foreign - UK and Australian movies of uniquely UK and Australian stories.

Tomorrow When the War Began

This is the movie of the first in a series of seven books by John Marsden. There are also three extra books about the main character. The first book is required reading in Antipodean schools. I read the first book, got hooked and had to very quickly read all the rest. I'm telling you this so you understand my credentials for reviewing this movie. I suggested my mother read the books and I think she got through all seven in a fortnight. She really liked them too.

It's about a group of teenagers who are out of town on a camping trip when Australia is invaded by an unspecified enemy. The story follows how they cope and fight back. They are very different characters and the contrasts and group dynamics add to the interest. It's the Secret Seven with guns, for all you Enid Blyton fans, and seriously, who doesn't love Enid Blyton.

So - did the movie do justice to the book? Yes it did. Mostly unknowns, all the teenagers did a great job while appearing to be real people, not actors. The lighting was great and there was some excellent music. The tone of the movie was suspenseful and terrifying. I watched it on dvd at night and when I went to bed there was a helicopter circling overhead, echoing a scene in the film. I was scared. Fans of the book should be satisfied with the film's treatment of the story. Apparently it was okayed by the author. Those new to Ellie and her friends will probably enjoy the movie as an adventure movie. Oh and it's not all happy ever after. Bad stuff happens.

The ending was not a conclusion, leaving the way open for further films. Maybe not all seven books, perhaps condense them into another three.

One thing I really liked. Their campsite is beautiful.

The King's Speech

How could a film about a speech impediment and a speech therapist be interesting? When the person with the stammer is King George the sixth it gets pretty good. Colin Firth is a wonderful Bertie, with Helena Bonham Carter playing his wife in a way that is recognisable to those of us who knew a little about the Queen Mother, mainly from television news coverage. Guy Pearce (remember - Mrs Mangel's nephew in Neighbours) is a suitably self indulgent Edward who abdicates, forcing his brother to become king. Mrs Simpson and their "set" admire Mr Hitler. I wasn't so impressed with the two little princesses, but they are not so important to the story (apart from the abdication changing the course of Elizabeth's life of course). I thought they were a bit common. Geoffrey Rush as the speech therapist is excellent. He plays an Australian (as in fact he is) and doesn't stand on ceremony when working with his royal client.

As usual, good lighting, good writing, low key characters, nice settings and a lot of historical accuracy, with some dramatic license taken. I thoroughly recommend this movie, but once again, like "Made in Dagenham", it's not made for the American market. There are no explosions.

Cat news: the damaged part of the tail fell off, there is a suspicion that the other cat bit it off. The remainder of the tail has fur but is paralysed. It doesn't seem to worry him. His growth has been quite severely stunted, as his brother is a big cat now and Lotto has stayed about the size he was when the accident happened. He is also crosseyed so I guess there was a bit of brain damage too. But he is a smart, active, affectionate and apparently happy cat so he's okay. The two still get along well and curl up to sleep together.