Friday, June 10, 2011

Mind expanding

Rehoused the dvds and found a few I hadn't seen.

High School High

Mostly stupid but funny and even clever in parts. That's all.

Leo Villareal

An exhibition I saw at a certain Museum of Art a few weeks ago. Villareal is an artist with light. Actual lights, fluorescent, LED, cool stuff. So I'm walking around, looking at the pretty lights, then one installation catches my eye. A sort of kaleidoscope of brightly coloured swirling ever-changing patterns. I was transfixed. I sat and watched it for half an hour. I had a kaleidoscope as a child and this artwork brought back memories of the beautiful iridescent irretrievable patterns and a flood of other previously forgotten childhood memories. It was a blast, an overwhelming trip down memory lane, a reliving of childhood moments - not just the moments but the feelings that went with them. It was an amazing trip and I am grateful to Mr Villareal for unlocking those parts of my brain. A magic experience.

Meanwhile, BH wandered off to look at the also excellent Ansel Adams exhibition. He got some colour and light from Villareal's artworks, I got my childhood back.

Hot now, after snow last weekend. Somebody told me I was pretty the other day. A nice if unexpected compliment. I'm not accustomed to that sort of thing. Thank you. The Post Office in our tiny and somewhat isolated community may be closing. Disaster!

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