Monday, June 6, 2011

Courtroom drama

Books to movies doesn't always work, but this one seems to.

The Rainmaker

This is based on a John Grisham novel. Now I had never read any of Grisham's books, actually still haven't, but BH introduced me to them via audio books. I listened to The Testament in the car, and I credit Nate with keeping me from blind panic whilst driving through a blizzard. That was a good story. Anyway, the Rainmaker. Matt Damon, Jon Voight (Angelina's daddy), Danny de Vito, Claire Danes and Mickey Rourke, among others. Another good story. Young lawyer sticks it to the insurance company. Particularly good if you have recently watched Sicko and Erin Brockavich. Nicely done, worth watching.

Galaxy Quest

I usually avoid stupid looking movies, but this one has Alan Rickman in it, he's always worth watching. At a Questie convention (yep, loosely based on another space series that boldly went) some aliens think that the television series is real life and base their lives and technology on it. The actors find themselves in space for real and have to fight the baddies etc. It's fun, fairly clever and the good guys win. I love the aliens. I think I went to school with some of them - you know who you are.

Still haven't seen the kittens!

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