Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Location, location

Some movies are a visual feast with no need for high tech tricks.

The Tourist

This movie is worth seeing just for the backgrounds. Actually, I forgot to review this because I forgot I saw it. Sorry Johnny. Big stars in this movie - Paris, Venice and a couple of actors. It's a ripping yarn of mayhem, murder and mistaken identity. Sort of. There is a twist in the tale.

An action movie set mostly in beautiful Venice, starring arguably the most beautiful woman on the planet. Angelina Jolie is particularly beautiful in this role. She wears wonderful costumes, especially the black off-the-shoulder ballgown. On that occasion she has her hair up in a style with some width to it and at first glimpse she strongly reminded me of Sophia Loren. She also sports an impeccable Home Counties English accent. If I hadn't known she was American, I would have totally accepted her as an English actress. She is a secret agent, with a secret.

Johnny Depp plays the tourist, a stranger Jolie picks up on a train in order to confuse the baddies regarding the identity of the elusive A, her close friend who sends messages that she dramatically burns on sidewalk tables at Parisian cafes. Phew! Depp gives this movie it's humour despite his role as somewhat plodding American teacher and tourist. His acting can be so understated. On one occasion he is in police custody and the Inspector lights a cigarette. Depp's character is trying to stop smoking and you can see the longing in his eyes, an expression so subtle as to be almost unnoticeable, but powerfully present. Other scenes are rather more slapstick, involving rooftops of Venice and Depp in pyjamas.

The police are a little "Keystone Cop-ish", led by the over-religious albino from one of Dan Brown's anti-Catholic blockbusters. No self flagellation, just a lot of frustration as he is constantly outwitted by goodies and baddies. Jolie drives a mean speedboat, rescuing Depp from the scrapes in which he finds himself. Yes it's a good story, pretty and undemanding, but entertaining. I would watch it again at home on dvd.

Jolie is stunning, Venice is magnificent, Depp is just plain. Maybe he is acting plain because normally he is rather handsome. There is absolutely NO chemistry between Jolie and Depp. I read in the gossip mags that Depp deliberately kept away from Jolie off the set, at the request of his partner, Vanessa Paradis. Probably a smart move, Vanessa.

Two black cats are charging their solar cells outside on a 1 degree C day. Later they will curl up together on the sofa for a long afternoon nap.

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