Thursday, September 8, 2011

Goodbye Harry

Lots of movies, not a lot of motivation to review.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Two

The last of the Harry Potter story. How very sad. Anyway - an excellent movie. As good as the first one, and I liked it better than the ones in between, although they were excellent too. All those children have grown up but they retain the magic. Neville in particular has grown up to be quite spectacular. Didn't see that coming.


I was a fan of the television show back in the 80's, but not this movie. I watched probably a third of the movie and had not developed any interest in any of the characters or the non-existent plot, so sorry, can't even review it with any interest.


A vehicle for Cher and Christina Aguillera to be seen and heard. Good dancing, costumes and makeup, weak, unoriginal plot, but it's a feelgood film that had me singing in the shower afterwards.

The Big Bang Theory

Continuing with this television series and loving it. So clever, so real and such adorable characters. I think Sheldon is my favourite, for his single-mindedness. So funny.

Jeff Dunham

An American comedian who is also a ventriloquist using various stereotype puppets. What can I say? English and American humour just don't translate. I found the humour in this to be at a level that might amuse a 5 year old and I found some of it offensive. The dead terrorist puppet character was truly offensive on many levels, including politically. I wonder if Jeff Dunham is on any terrorist hit lists. I wouldn't be surprised.

Why do Americans find death and decay so amusing? The Halloween merchandise in Walmart is horrible. I don't think it is right that dead bodies and severed body parts should be presented as fun and acceptable party props for children. As a medical professional and a human being I believe in the sanctity of the human body both before and after death, and I find the mocking of the dead to be offensive. Speaking of Halloween, why would you want to encourage children to knock on stranger's doors and demand unhealthy food or perform acts of vandalism if it is not forthcoming? And then tell children not to accept candy from strangers. They can have pumpkin baskets to collect their loot. Sounds like a protection racket to me, pay up or else. It also encourages greed and gluttony and quite possibly, tooth decay. I don't think Christianity is into witches and dead bodies and the general glorification of evil that Halloween celebrates. I don't think children should be exposed to thoughts of death and decay before they are old enough to put it in perspective. Wow, a whole nation of bad parents and creepy retailers.

Expecting more kittens any day. Possibly today even as Angie is not around for breakfast. Her last two are inside getting tamed and will be getting "fixed" asap. Maybe after this litter I can catch Angie and put an end to her over-enthusiastic breeding.

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