Monday, July 12, 2010

Odd but okay

More old videos


Two redheads in the same movie, in leading roles no less. This is a movie from 1995, starring David Caruso. He's okay. It's a story of sex, blackmail and murder. It has car chases in San Francisco, with the unique driving challenges that city presents. It has the most graphic car versus pedestrian accident. It has weird sex, a sulky-looking leading lady and scary music. Some crass lines. What is it with men - they have to denigrate what they are biologically compelled to seek. Why? Are they ashamed of their desires and their humanness? Are they all misogynists fighting a biological compulsion to mate with the female of the species but hating every second of it? I've been seeing a lot of it in movies and I know it happens in real life. Women like men. What do men like? Back to the movie - not a winner. Best bit: Caruso's character is assistant District Attorney. He works in a building which has a cat. I like that.

The Outlaw

I didn't watch all of this. It's a Howard Hughes movie from 1943. Jane Russell is well built - I noticed a distinct resemblance between us. She doesn't act much. The movie seems to be about the relationship between Billy the Kid, Doc Holliday and Pat Garrett. All funny. There is a bit of a school yard spat about friendship - those three-ways never work. I don't think it is intentionally gay, but that's what it looked and sounded like - a masculine love triangle. One of them has to die of course.

30 degrees C, but apparently only feels like 28 degrees C. That's a relief.

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