Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Good advice

Found a nice way to keep cool. My gym has extra rooms, one for Wii and Rock Band and Guitar Hero, and one for PlayStation, dvds and Blu-Ray movies. It is also very well air conditioned. So after my workout I watched a movie. I'll be doing that again.

He's Just Not That Into You

I didn't have my glasses and this was the only title I could read that looked like a chick flick. It's a series of interconnecting stories about women and the men they meet. More specifically, it's about the waiting, the group agonising, the phone/email/text stalking that goes on when a man says he will call and then doesn't. The "signs" are discussed and interpreted at length. Extraordinary scenarios are dreamed up to explain the lack of contact. Gigi (the glowing and friendly looking Ginnifer Goodwin) meets Alex who tells her that if a man wants to see a girl again, he will make it happen.

This is very good advice and the movie should be required viewing for all women. Stop chasing men. Let the man chase you. Men value things that are hard to attain. So be hard to attain. Have a life of your own. If he really wants to be with you he will. Stop being so desperate. And forget any ideas you had about men and women being equal. This is an ancient game played by ancient rules.

As for men - if you don't want to see someone again - just say so. Say "Thanks for the great evening, it was nice to meet you but I don't think this is going to go any further." Or "You are a really interesting person but I feel we are too different to be together." Or "It was an interesting experience but I don't think we are on the same wavelength." Then shake hands and leave without a backward glance. DO NOT SAY you are going to call when you know you are not going to. It shows you up as unmanly and dishonest. Women talk and you will soon get a reputation for pathetic wimpiness so you will have to move to another town to date any women at all. Lecture over. What's the opposite of mysogyny? - I think I have that.

This movie has lots of famous faces, including the dashing but possibly surgically enhanced Kris Kristofferson. I saw him in concert - awesome. Jennifer Aniston is moving into character roles, Ben Affleck does the "right thing", Bradley Cooper ("Face" in the A-Team) wrecks his reluctantly-entered marriage, surprisingly not because of his fling with the luscious Scarlett Johansson but because of his failure to give up smoking. All engaging stories. The nicest characters are Gigi and Alex. Drew Barrymore is on the verge of the character role, but she is still undeniably cute. Cute like her character in ET. She has a Heidi-esque hairstyle (as in yodelling not modelling or madam-ing) and the worst blouse ever seen. Which designer? I'd like to avoid him or her. Jennifer Aniston walks up the aisle, as a bridesmaid, with a dog. Bad choice, prompted mean but joking comments. She suffers from some unflattering camera angles.

I liked this movie. Total chick flick. Men should not see this movie. Do we really want them to know how stupid women can be? Side benefit - I dreamed about Brad Pitt changing his career to become a gardener. He's not in the movie but can anyone see Jennifer Aniston and not think of him?

A trip to the city is planned for today, might even go to the movies.

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