Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fat and thin

At least the weather is consistent - the forecast is for daily highs of 29 degrees C for the next 10 days.

Someone is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe

A book by Nan and Ivan Lyons, also a movie under the name of Who is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe - I haven't seen it but will look out for it. This is a black comedy or maybe a humourous murder mystery with recipes you will not want to try. The title gives you the plot. Someone is killing the chefs whose decadently rich food is killing him. I enjoyed it for a light read. Why am I telling you about it? For this wonderful exchange between Max and Natasha:
"[They] had to have been killed by the same person, or maybe some international group of organized criminals."
"You mean like Weight Watchers?"


Tom Hanks acting in his usual sincere and believable way. So sincere he lost a great deal of weight for this movie. I believe he had to do that for "Philadelphia" too. Why is Helen Hunt in movies? Fedex exec Hanks is cast away on a deserted island for a few years. The bulk of the movie is just him and a volleyball and how they cope with isolation and survival. I think that survival thing appeals to a lot of people - how could I survive, where would I make my camp, what can I use to help me survive? A modern day Robinson Crusoe, with some MacGyverish ideas. We put this DVD in the player just to check it was working and ended up watching the whole thing. A happy ending is implied after Hanks delivers a Fedex package that was cast away with him and let's face it, who wouldn't want to date Tom Hanks? A good movie.

When will they make a movie of MacGyver and will Richard Dean Anderson star? I understand one is on the way and I will be first in line to see it, I have to check if it is suitably MacGyverish. Janna, watch out for it.

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