Friday, September 24, 2010

Two sides

An interesting omission.


This is a movie about South African politics and rugby, but it is quite watchable and inspirational. Matt Damon does that clipped South African accent very well. Morgan Freeman was a wonderful Nelson Mandela, with a visible quality of humility to his character and his performance.

However, in the interests of truth and fairness, there is something that was left out of the movie. I remember this match and I remember the furore surrounding it, it's all in the newspapers. Also, at the time I worked with someone who was there at the game, and was intimately involved in the aforementioned furore, and confirmed some of the details. This is the match, before which, most of the All Blacks were afflicted with severe food poisoning. Strangely, they did not all eat the same dishes. The match was not delayed. A coincidence possibly, a very timely and politically satisfying one for South Africa. I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

Edge of Darkness

More in the Mel Gibson season. He is a cop whose daughter is shot dead in an ambush he thinks was meant for him. His investigations uncover skulduggery in the nuclear weapons industry. I'm proud to come from a nuke free country. Another good, watchable Mel Gibson movie.

I passed my driving test! Yes, I have been driving for 34 years, but this is another country and they drive on the other side of the road.

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