Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Overcast and dull

Today's title refers to the movie, not the weather. Even Michael Caine can make mistakes. He does it with talent and aplomb though.

The Weatherman

Whiny Nicholas Cage. Just odd. Don't bother.

A note about Avatar. I saw the trailer on a dvd and can confidently say that had I seen the trailer I would never have watched the movie. Not my kind of movie. Having said that, I stand by my comments that it is LCD pap and has appalling dialogue. I am also a little concerned about the message it gives pertaining to being less than completely able-bodied. I'm wondering if I have a prejudice against blue beings. Never a big Smurf fan, did not like the Na'vi and feel wary of the Blue Man group.

In this context, LCD does not stand for liquid crystal display.

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