Wednesday, June 23, 2010

More dancing

Hot now, like a day at the beach. Plenty of sand in the high desert but the tide is a long way out.


That nice Elizabeth Berkley from Saved by the Bell (remember that high school tv show - we named a cat after one of the characters) does porn. Well almost. She certainly shows everything that God gave her in this mainstream movie. Her character has a penchant for running off in a huff but apart from that she has great screen presence and a beautifully expressive face. It's about being a dancer in Las Vegas. Yes she can dance. The Las Vegas showbiz world appears to be run by total sleazebags who are nicely portrayed here. This is about women and getting ahead, and friendship and revenge. Excellent revenge, if not officially sanctioned. Dancers are strong. Let's hope erotic dancing is more erotic on the stage than on the small screen. Once again, very gynaecological. This movie showcases a degrading lifestyle for women, it also has the most offensive to women joke ever made I should think. Yes, it is told by a woman in a den of sleazy bottom feeders, but it says something about men that it was ever dreamed up. This is one of those movies that portrays the male half of the population very badly and men should hope that visiting aliens don't see it in flight before they land here. I like to think that all men are not like that, but maybe somewhere, deep down, they are. I hope not. Maybe that's why Showgirls was not a hit movie - the truth hurts!

Having said all that, I enjoyed the movie and wonder why I haven't seen more of Elizabeth Berkley. Actually I have seen all of her, I meant more movies. Oh yes, the scene in the pool is embarrassing, even though I was watching this movie alone, but over quickly ...

Dan Brown

The Da Vinci Code
Angels and Demons
The Lost Symbol
Deception Point
Digital Fortress

Cheating here, reviewing an author. Yesterday I read Digital Fortress in one sitting, apart from hanging out the laundry, making dinner etc. I read all his novels like that. He has hit on a winning formula, lots of dialogue, fairly stereotypical characters, short sentences, short paragraphs (dare I say short words), multiple parallel inter-related story lines and a very short time span. The action in each book takes place over less than 24 hours. The reader has the sensation of galloping along with the story. Plots are great, conspiracy theories, double crosses and who exactly can you trust. Things are not necessarily what they seem. The stories cover Jesus, the Catholic church, the Masons, NASA and national security, so all bound to offend someone. Don't worry about the details and the research, it's fiction and jolly entertaining fiction at that. Don't be a snob - enjoy it. Ripping yarns for summer reading. The movies aren't bad either. I'll be reading each new Dan Brown.

It's "stay inside where it is cool" weather. The wedding this Saturday is in a place that is even hotter than here. I'll let you know if I survive it.

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