Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hot guy

Movie number 6. This is good but wasting heaps of time when I could be learning about IRAs (nothing to do with Northern Ireland).

Transporter 2

I saw Transporter 3, so tried T2 and will definitely get the original. Once again an odd looking female lead, not Amber Valetta, the mother, but the bad girl. I thought it was that sharp tongued hairdresser Tabatha Coffey, but just a lookalike named Kate Nauta. So the gorgeous Jason Statham is driving a little kid around and gets mixed up with a deadly virus and the antidote and all that stuff. Great action, car chases etc, etc. A good distraction. Jason Statham unfortunately does not take his shirt off so much in this one.

I cheated a bit, or the video store did. Looks like what I actually got was Transporter 2 in the original Transporter box. So there you go, I am working my way backwards through the series.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Fear factor

Another trip to the dvd store - 10 movies in a week!

Harry Brown

Oh horrible, nasty, violent. Very modern Britain. Not Dementors in the pedestrian underpass, but thugs. A few Harry Potter references in this movie. So Harry Brown's old friend Len (the janitor from Hogwarts) is killed by said thugs. Perhaps he should not have threatened them with a bayonet. They are the same thugs who killed Harry's daughter. So Harry (Michael Caine) takes the law into his own hands. He is an elderly emphysemic ex-Marine, and it shows. He evens the score a little, but the lady detective is on to him. Definitely NOT a happy ending but a satisfying one.

I quite like that vigilante, good guys turning the tables genre. Mr Caine is, as always, masterful in an understated English way. There is not a lot of dialogue, there really doesn't need to be. Lots of horrible scenes, but a good movie nevertheless.

Bowling for Columbine

I adore Michael Moore. I think of him as the child at the parade who tells the truth about the Emperor's new clothes. This movie is about America's love affair with guns, but really it is about the fear that has been instilled into the American people. Irrational fear, it seems to an outsider. I want to say to all those people who carry guns: a) are you part of an organised militia (see second amendment), oh yes, Timothy McVeigh was indeed a member of an organised militia. And b) what are you so frightened of?

The USA has more gun related murders than other countries. Why? It is not even because they have more guns, which was the reason I would have given. Some of the non-US interviewees appeared to suggest belligerence, in the sense of warmongering, may be a national characteristic. Lots of eye-opening statistics in this movie. I learned a lot. My respect for Charlton Heston has plummeted - pretty face, but somewhat militant leader of the NRA.

Do you need to use assault rifles, semi automatics or pearl handled revolvers to shoot things that you might eat? I don't think so.

So thank you Michael Moore for a bit of sense. It was very relevant to watch this immediately after watching Harry Brown. A fear double bill.

The Other Guys

Funny cop buddy movie. Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg. Wahlberg is a hot guy, reminds me very much of Guy Pearce (Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, The King's Speech, and of course Mrs Mangel's nephew in Neighbours way back). So yes, funny, some of it very funny, sort of stupid but Ferrell's commitment to the role means the stupidity is actually funny rather than Apatow stupid. I think he could be a good straight ie not comic actor, given the chance.

BH suggested I tone some of this down a bit, so you have the edited version.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Long weekend

A visit to the dvd rental store.

Get him to the Greek

A completely stupid movie, don't waste your time. If I say Apatow you will know what I mean.

Having said that ... Russell Brand IS a rock star. He is Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, he's the real deal. Very thin and with that little boy London accent. When not being stupid he is extremely good looking, and he can act. He can also sing and he belts out the silly songs with conviction. There is some good music in the background eg Come on Eileen, and some clever jokes. Also, in the Apatow style, a lot of sex and drugs and language. Some of the songs have very dirty lyrics. A few familiar faces, among then Sarah Marshall, the movie in which we met Aldous Snow/Russell Brand. Also Malfoy, who will never live down being Malfoy.

Some good points, but mainly a waste of time.

District 9

Obviously NOT my choice, but I saw quite a bit of it whilst doing the housework. It's a documentary style presentation. Aliens live in a slum area outside Johannesburg. Yes, lots of that grating Seth Efrecan accent. I'm not sure this movie was about your actual aliens ... It did a good job of portraying white South African arrogance and racist attitudes. Good aliens (known as prawns), seamless effects, this movie was not a plotless fairyland, no smurfs, but of course it was directed by a REAL director who knows how to make movies - Peter Jackson.

Quite a good story and some humour, but that could have been my reaction to the accents. There is a spaceship in the style of Independence Day and the fimbriated (think Futurama) aliens look a bit generic. Otherwise okay. The sequel is set up. Maybe it will be called District 10.

No sign of the kittens yet. They are just about a month old. Latest name suggestions are Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Vivienne and Knox. Their mother's name is Angie so it would be fitting. I am hoping to import a kitten wrangler quite soon.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bated breath

Finally the moment arrived. I have been waiting for this.

Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides

Yes, I was counting the days, and not just because of the delightfully camp Captain Jack Sparrow. Johnny Depp is always a drawcard, his characters are quirky and committed. So did Tides satisfy? Yes and no. I saw it in 3D and found that a little disconcerting, way too many swordfights.

Some of the old guard have gone - Keira, Orlando, they guy from The Office and those two dopey soldiers. The Old Rocker was in it briefly but memorably ("does this face look like I found the Fountain of Youth?" ... "depends on the light"). The new main character Blackbeard was played very well by the rather nice Ian McShane, whom we all remember as Jonathan Gash's divvy Lovejoy. Mystery fans, try the Lovejoy books - Firefly Gadroon, Gold from Gemini, the Judas Pair, there is a whole series. Slightly metaphysical, and lots of antiques.

But I digress. Tides is about the search for the Fountain of Youth and the quest to recover the Black Pearl - that issue was a setup for the next movie. Penelope Cruz is a nice pirate, subscribing to the heavy black eyeliner almost as much as Sparrow and Blackbeard. Some great locations, nice scenery, vampire mermaids, Gemma Ward (vacant looking model) among them. A somewhat gratuitous missionary - his position was ambiguous (sorry, couldn't resist that). Ghastly effect after drinking the waters of the Fountain - just say no.

Not a bad story, a nice looking movie, good characters, I didn't miss the lightweight Orlando at all. 3D was neither here nor there, it probably didn't enhance the experience, except for a moment at the end, when the two characters appear to step into the screen and walk along a beach. That moment could have been a live show with Depp actually on a stage in front of me. Be sure to stay until after the credits. Be warned, it is quite a long movie.

Pirates 3 is still my favourite.

Have not seen the new batch of kittens yet. And by the way, looks like Avatar is back. No, sorry, I mean The Smurfs movie, I get those two mixed up. Blue you know.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Didn't quite work

Bought some movies this time.

For your consideration

A rather odd movie, bought solely because of the pic of Ricky Gervais on the front of the box. I can only describe it as one of those charming, quirky English movies but made by Americans, with mostly American actors. It didn't quite work.

A simple idea, based on Oscar speculation in Hollywood. Quite amusing, and some odd characters who could have been funny if maybe they were developed more, or less. I don't know, it just didn't get off the ground.

Lots of famous faces - the mother from Home Alone (love her transformation), the sleazy little guy who is NOT a PhD in Big Bang, a face from The Office, Jane Lynch looking very glam, the dad from American Pie, Stiffler's Mom! and an apparently dazed and bewildered Parker Posey. Ricky Gervais of course and best of all - the weather girl with the monkey. Who says ventriloquism is dead (without moving their lips).

Watchable, sort of funny, sort of pathetic. At the end we actually said that it was an odd movie. It was very inexpensive so that's okay.

The Tourist

Yes, again. I think I liked it better this time. Funny, light, pretty, a kind of blonde bimbo of a movie. Still no chemistry and Johnny Depp is still plain, but funny. I feel there was a marked lack of depth in this movie, it skimmed the surface of what could have been a more involving story. Not brain surgery, but entertaining.

The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency

I really want to see this movie but my local doesn't have it. Hmm, written by a Scot, set in Botswana, I wonder why. I have enjoyed this series by Alexander McCall Smith, I found the characters engaging and I want to see how they are portrayed in the movie.

Precious Ramotswe sets up a detective agency, takes on an assistant, they solve mysteries and problems in a very gentle, human way. Warmth, patience and a down to earth wisdom pervade these stories. A slower pace of life and a pleasantly old-fashioned attitude provide a calm oasis for the reader. I have read the whole series and will continue with each new one. Keep writing sir.

Snow and hail a couple of days ago, hot and sunny now.