Sunday, March 27, 2011

English actors

A good movie for a change. Actors who can act, and not many men. Hmmm ...


A great chick flick. Also a great cheapie from the thrift store where I purchased (drum roll please) a KATE SPADE bag for next to nothing. How cool is that! Shame I have no friends to share that info with. Anyway, back to the movie. Not just your standard silly chick flick, this one has some class actors. Imelda Staunton - anything she is in is going to be good. She is one of the wonderful pack of English actors who make English movies so good. Anna Chancellor - Duckface in Four Weddings and a Funeral, also that girl from the Boddington's ad, if you are old enough and English enough to remember that. She teams up again with Andie Macdowell for this movie.

Macdowell is Kate, a prim headmistress, Staunton a copper, actually I think she is the Chief Inspector, and Chancellor is a doctor. They get together and see who has the most disastrous man story. Macdowell meets up with an ex-pupil (read: toyboy) and they hit it off. Oh yes, warning for the easily shocked - there is a fair bit of sex in this movie, but nothing graphic. Macdowell has great legs. Chancellor and Staunton try to break up the romance to prevent Macdowell's character from heartbreak and it all goes horribly wrong, but there is kind of a happy ending.

A good movie, well constructed. Great lighting as usual, and wonderful music. The clothes are interesting ... There is a lot of humour, a lot of which went straight over BH's head, as it is very English. For example, Staunton (the policewoman) says she has met a man, his name is Bill, and Chancellor immediately says"Old Bill?" For the uninitiated let me explain that in England, the police are often referred to as the Old Bill. I don't know why. Google it. A cheap laugh but realistic.

This is a female dominated movie, and all the better for that. I like a movie with real people (I know, contradiction in terms) with real situations in real places. James Cameron tried that once, with "Titanic" but things have gone downhill for him since than. Maybe if he hired a real writer ...

Lots of snow forecast, but very little arrived here. That's probably a good thing, although snow does make everything look pretty (and let's face it, "here" could do with the help).

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Jaded viewer

I chose most of these movies. I have only myself to blame.

Eat, Pray, Love

Too much of a chick flick even for me. I watched the Italy bit then fast-forwarded to the end. I did not enjoy seeing Julia Roberts slurping spaghetti, but she did make a nice antipasto plate. Please note - American antipasto is NOT the same as Italian antipasto. I'm not a big Julia Roberts fan. This movie didn't do it for me. although I may have missed the point by not actually watching it at normal speed. I could make some comment about self indulgence, but who cares. Dolce far niente.

Snow is forecast for the next ten days.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bitter end

You can't call me a quitter. Masochist maybe.

The American

Watching the rest of The American. It's not getting any better. It amazes me that not one character in this movie is developed to the point of being even vaguely interesting. George Clooney has a face made of cement and his acting is so subtle as to be not there. This movie is a non-event like "Up in the Air". That was a waste of time. So what's the story George? Does someone else read the scripts and commit you to these dogs? You realise it is only a matter of time before you find yourself doing a James Cameron movie. Why not just do that now and skip the other disasters on this downward spiral in your career and your taste. I won't be bothering with movies just because they star George Clooney. Seems like he specialises in the dull and inexplicable. Time to retire?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Action men

Five movies for five days, expect some blog action.

The Expendables

This one purely because of the adorable Jason Statham, East End gangster. This is an all-action movie that appears to be written and directed by Sylvester Stallone, starring Sylvester Stallone. The dialogue is, of course, better than if it was written by James Cameron. It even has humour. Lots of blood, more than usual I would say, each shooting or slashing was punctuated by visible sprays of blood. You don't often get that. Lots of death and dismemberment, with the emphasis on dismemberment. Heads, hands, whatever, slice it off. So it's a fairly silly story of mercenaries, coups, coca and not much else. Star of the show is the seaplane. Not a must-see.

The American

George Clooney being taciturn. Very little dialogue, which in a James Cameron movie would be a plus, but here it just makes the plot even more obscure. Clooney kills people, I think it his job. Could be a hobby. It starts in Dalarna Sweden where those red wooden horses are made. That is the most interesting thing about this movie. It's slow, boring, the lighting is horrible, there may or may not be music, I don't recall. There is no character development, but there is a gratuitous and totally un-sexy sex scene. Leaving that out would have mercifully shortened the movie. At the end of the sex scene, Clooney is lying in the bed looking like a dead monkey. Maybe it was the scarlet lighting in the prostitute's room. Not flattering. George Clooney visiting a prostitute? Hardly likely.

Actually, I only watched up to minute 56, then went off to do something exciting. I washed the dishes. I probably won't watch the rest of it. Possibly I am missing the best bit, or the part that makes it all make sense. At one stage I wondered if it was a training film for the gun-smithing school at Lassen College. Seriously, give this one a miss, even if you are a Clooney fan.

I may re-review this if I watch the rest of it, but don't hold your breath for that.

Cats are fine. Life goes on.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Girl power

It's almost a month since my last post. Sorry about that. I've been a bit busy learning things.

The Blue Collar Comedy Tour

I think that was the title, I watched it at the gym with BH, who was able to translate some of the more incomprehensible parts for me. Four comedians with a bit of a redneck theme. Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy and a couple of others. What can I say? Two countries divided not only by a common language but by humour that just does NOT translate across the Atlantic. According to these guys, the definition of a redneck is somebody with no sophistication at all. Apparently that is something to be proud of. Give me Ricky Gervais any day.

The joke about shooting the horse was funny, kept me chuckling for days. I am not a horse hater, it was just so unexpected.

Thelma and Louise

Yay, girl power! I think BH was a little perturbed at my approving reaction to the murder and mayhem that Thelma and Louise dish out in this classic cult movie. Not sure if it is a widespread cult fave, but for me and my BFF (33 years, that's getting close to forever) who shall remain nameless, it's our ongoing fantasy. I have to admit, this is the first time I have actually seen the movie and I think we may have to tone our planned road trip down a little. Yes to the convertible, the scarves, Brad Pitt and lots of laughter. Yes to a scenic trip to the Grand Canyon. No to carrying guns, killing people or rapists however much they deserve it, holding up convenience stores and blowing up semis. We probably wouldn't do the cop in the trunk thing either. Definitely no to not stopping at the edge of the Grand Canyon.

I really liked this movie. There are some great recognisable and memorable moments, characters, actions and reactions going on. Thelma's husband, the look on Harlan's face, Thelma's grin whenever she thinks of JD, Thelma's husband's reaction to JD's taunts, the final encounter with the truck driver, Harvey Keitel's character's reasonableness. Perfect music, great scenery and a nice little car. Yep, a teal T-bird convertible - my kind of car. Brad Pitt is very young and has a very low body fat percentage. Worth a look.

So, nameless BFF, I am looking for a convertible, you bring the scarves, and let's do it!

Still winter. Had some snow. Drove through a lot of snow. When driving, I prefer the snow to be on the ground and not still falling. Kitties are doing well.