Thursday, February 10, 2011

Staying warm

I woke up with a stiff neck so drove to the pleasantly warm gym, with difficulty, to stay warm and watch a movie. Otherwise it was stay in bed with the electric blanket on.

Couples Retreat

What a silly movie. When I tell you it stars Vince Vaughan you will know what I mean. Four couples go to a retreat where they are supposed to strengthen or save their marriages. It's pretty stupid, and not in a good way. I think it is safest to avoid Vince Vaughan movies. However ... there are some good people and one funny scene that my children would enjoy. I watched this on a big screen in Blu-ray and the visuals were pretty darn good. As one of the characters says "it's like a screensaver". I spent a while trying to work out if it was real or CGI. I think it was real. Impossibly blue sea. Blu-ray does make even the real look a bit unreal, a bit "better than life".

The good people? Jason Bateman from Arrested Development, as a similar character, and Chang from Community - as a therapist. And who was that other therapist, the guy with the glasses, I've seen him somewhere before, maybe Community? Just IMDb'd it and he is Professor Whitman from Community. Vernon Vaughan plays the grandad, and yes he is the father of Vince, Victoria and Valeri ??? Just the one set of nametags then, V Vaughan for the whole family. The wonderful French actor Jean Reno plays, surprise, a Frenchman, ably assisted by Dr Ropata, who is most definitely not in Guatemala but appears to be auditioning for Rank movies. Okay, it's Temuera Morrison who once was a warrior. I know what I'm talking about, even if nobody else does.

The funny scene - a kind of Duelling Banjos piece. Please pay attention to the dialogue after the duel. So funny, and all done with a straight face. Best bit of the whole movie, Sctanley's speech. That's not a typo.

If you watch this movie, skip the first bit before they get to the island, total waste of time.

No snow, blue skies, sunshine, shame I live in the back of beyond and so far from the beach, although there is plenty of sand.